i ran at least 5 times every week, nike, Just Do it.
i want to be his hot gf, addidas, Impossible Is Nothing.
fats fats go away, come again at the last day, little jacqueleen bu yao fei.

well well..
its always the funny and cute things he do, that made me smile so much.
he told me not to laugh at him when he sent me this picture.
"i dont know to do edit ah...", is always what he said to me.
though he dont know how to edit, but it made me love him even more.
because it is just so cute when he did things he's not good at, and dont mind showing it to me.
its all about the sincerity, and i can feel it :)))
thank you baby :)
i didnt know love tasted this good, until i met him in my life.
im missing my girls terribly :(