and i just wanna say
i'll really love u tender love u true
i'll fufill all ur dreams yes i'll do
ure my baby i love u and i always do
u always say u were afraid to lose me and u'll never me go even if i let u go
but how will i let go of someone who made my life so complete
incomplete is not a part of my life ever since i met u
i was lost back then and u saved me
i know u'll make my dreams come true
which u had already did magically
u always tell me that u want to pay for my everything
not because its a bf/gf thing and not because u wanna show off to my friends or the others
but cause u love me and u wanna take care of my everything leaving me with no worries and all
u said u feel that u feel incompetent because u were afraid that the money u'll be earning is not enough for us when im back
u said u will work hard and earn more money for us
these are not just words i know as i had already seen ur actions
no matter what please dont tired urself out
i know ur sincerity and i just want to tell u all i ever wanted is u
i dont care even there's no movies no big feasts no gifts cause all i want is only u u u
i understand ur point of view that this is what u want to do as to treat me good
but i just wanna tell u
no worries baby we're still young now
it is good enough that we can support ourselves
u can pay for me but i can pay for some things myself too
in that case it'll be enough for us
money shouldnt be a problem to us
love does
but there's no problem about love
cause u love me and i love u
and thats the end of our story
ure a busy person
school plus ur fyp, workout when u got home, u wanna have more time on learning ur piano, u webcam and talk to me til late night
the amount of time u sleep is not enough to give u enough energy for a day
u wanna get ur car practicals done soon
u were afraid if u delay til the time when im back u'll have not enough money to go for the lessons as ure going to pay for my things too
but as i said above no worries about the money as everything will just work out fine
with me around money isnt gonna be a problem
im a good accountant here in my office u know
even though im quite a spender but i'll change for u
we'll plan and see how about getting the practicals together when im back alright
meanwhile just concentrate on ur already busy schedule
ure going to start a new work soon
i dont want u to tired urself out
i wanna u be happy
as simple as that
i love u
i dont know why i drew so long today but i took like the whole morning to do so..
keep this timetable well baby :)