[12:33:02 PM] kale: i wasnt born in this world to earn money
[12:33:05 PM] Jacqueleen Tung: huh?
[12:33:21 PM] kale: i was born in this world to take care of u and make u happy unconditonally=)
[12:33:25 PM] kale: i love u
[12:33:41 PM] Jacqueleen Tung: im so gonna post this at my blog
and i wont forget what i said to sim today:)
[12:53:26 PM] Jacqueleen Tung:
i might not be a 100% caring friend, 100% know what ure thinking all the time so that i can concern u at the very moment so u wont feel lost, 100% be there whenever u need me, or 100% good gf. BUT, i will be 100% hardworking to be the best friend u always wanted.
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more." - Notebook