at that very moment, i just wanna fly to his house immediately to mess up his hair more, play with his hair, kiss his forehead and tell him "i really adore u".
i just cant get enough of his everything, and i do mean everything :)
the V fringe is so gonna be in the next hairstyle fashion LOL

what makes me so happy as if im going to explode is the bangla card he told me he just bought.
$10 for 500mins on the overseas calls.
the thai card im having now is not good to me because it costs $4 just for a 5mins talk.
what a big contrast on the charges.
now i know how unfriendly is the thai calling overseas charges, so bad.
so this is the bangla card he drew and made me laugh so hard haha.
see, even the bangla he drew looks so cute!
omg i really cannot take this anymore, can i pinch u now? :D

we had a 1 hour talk ystd night after webcam and it was like, heaven :)
its the first time we talked on phone for this long and it was special cause we're talking to each other overseas, time limit make every words count even more.
im glad that we went through obstacles together, cause it made us really cherish everything now.
and it seems like my girls've been contacting with him recently haha.
my lovely meiyi who sent him an encouragment msg about us.
"mei really thanks alot i really appreciate this thought like so much that u never know."
my darling sim who praised us for being sweet and told us that we'll make it through.
"i want to pinch ur mambo butt whenever u say these lovely words."
i miss u girls!
okay, gonna meet him in webcam soon!
im happy i met u in my life :)