Put your worries in my hands.
Lay your head down,
And believe that I will do anything to stop your tears.
You're ready to give up, you've stopped,
I want to be able to give you the strength to keep going.
Link arms with me, Let's move on,
As one living, breathing, loving, being.
Know that you can put faith in me.
I will be your only rock, I will be your special dwelling,
I am here with you, for you always.
i love u<3=)
i hope that i can bring energy to him too while he is working his part-time today so i just sent him this picture.
even though he can't see it now, but he'll see this when he gets home after a tiring day.
he'll loves it, I KNOW ;)

ystd night during our phone chat..
he said: "U know, actually after i bought the 500mins card, i have a plan for u.."
when im still not very sure of what it was..
and so it goes, i heard beautiful tunes, piano tunes.
he played them for me on the phone, and i was speechless.
these songs touched me, like totally.
thank you, i really appreciate and love it.
i go crazy for u