it started on sunday 20/09/09, 1 day after my actual 21st.
i holded a chalet at pasir ris coasta sands resort and invited all my lovelys.
its a floral theme party!
had a total great time with them all and i enjoyed myself very much, thanks everybody for the wishes and the gifts!
weehee :D
the boys
somone blowing bubbles and it came in~
my mum and dad
21 years old already, still so short.

and i love my brother for wearing this floral shorts that i bought for him

dad's face so funny
my wonderful cousins
keat's and gerald's nice asses
the food that my parents cooked
helpful guys helping with keeping the drinks chilled
aww and my parents were so sweet, they bought for me a key necklace.
love u both!
my mum helping me to wear..
my mum helping me to wear..
she says im very irritating
floral papers we cut and pasted oursleves on the room's wall..nice huh!
i forced the guys to wear the party hats LOL
okay ignore my retard face, it was candid.
me and beng
my poly classmates

they gave me a BIG DOMO for my gift LOL very cute thanks thanks!
hello domo