however, THEY FAILED.
cos i heard some noises coming out from angel's room and i went to check on it.
then............................i saw them inside, and we laughed!
thks alot people, i was very touched, honestly.
they sang a happy birthday song for me with this strawberry cake!
loves it to bits :)
4 cuties!
they bought for me a CK black tote and prepared this album(with a number of unglam photos of me inside)!
very nice very nice very nice!
and this morning..
i saw this birthday wish from kale through mail :)
" it took me an hour to draw this. hopefully u like it=) "

haha thks i love it! :)
being a birthday girl is so good, u can feel so much love from ur friends!
wahahaha lollipop ure gonna pop my world!